Human Instrumentally Project

Lulusan program studi periklanan UI yang berniat kerja di bidang kreatif!

Kumpulan 'sampah' gue terpaksa ditumpuk disini; daripada cuma bikin penuh laptop dan kamar.

Anadhya S. Devy

Self Promotion

Self Promotion
Copywriting Project

Shout Out!

"Originality is over rated."

Rabu, 17 Februari 2010


Media : A4 sketchbook, pencil (2B, HB, 3B, basically any pencil including mechanic pencil).

I use this sketchbook for personal muses.
I know I can't write a journal or diary (had tried before because my teacher encouraged me), therefore I learn to reduce my stress by sketch things with a little words.
It helps a lot considering I live in a self dependence environment.

Even if in this particular bookstore there isn't any sketchbook, I go to art books section.
But I only can stare at it (or drool?).
Why do art books so damn expensive?!
I'm jealous to artists who have astonishing skill!
Not only they're skilled, they also could sell it. 

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The header of this blog is copyrighted by Yusuke Nakamura.

This blog was part of the project for copywriting and interactive marketing course.

The content may or may not real.